Monday, October 18, 2010

Bradley's coming to visit!!!

I have been in DC for a month now. I've made friends, visited sites and, just this weekend, began the hunt for my favorite brunch place. I've been to see "Les Ballets de Trockadero de Monte Carlo" and have slinked around in the wardrobe hallway while "Salome" performed in the Opera House. I have visited the Lincoln Memorial, one of the Smithsonian Museums, seen the Pandas in the National Zoo and wondered by the Vietnam Memorial. However, my favorite event will happen on Friday: Bradley will arrive!!!

Bradley and I quickly realized that his coming with me on tour or on these out-of-town engagements were a great way to get in a bit of a vacation. First off, my hotel room is always paid for, so we have a free place to stay. Secondly, I am always paid some sort of per diem and my airfare is always covered. Therefore, for simply the cost of Bradley's airfare, we get in a nice vacation! It's a little odd sometimes, when I have to get up and go to work while he snores (loudly) in bed, but it's a great nonetheless. This is how we went to New York, where we had a lovely time!

This time, he's coming to visit me here and I couldn't be more excited about it! Not only does it break up our separation almost exactly in half, but it allows us plenty of time to hang out and see DC together! I already have more events planned for us than any working-vacation could actually handle, but that hasn't stopped me at all. I'm just so excited to see him!!!

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