Friday, May 28, 2010

Well, here we go

Ever get the feeling that you're starting a really interesting time in your life? One in which a great many things will change? Well, I have that feeling. In less than a month, I will turn 30; a remarkable and rather life-altering time in and of itself. I am currently looking for new employment. I am planning on going back to school. Oh, yeah, and 2.5 months ago, I got engaged. So I feel I am rather justified in thinking that the next few months are going to be worth telling the world about.
I also think this will be a great way for me to keep talking about my wedding without destroying every friendship I have. :)

Well, let's start with why I'm really here: let's talk about my wedding. :)

Bradley and I have been together for nearly 3.5 years now. The story of how we met is best saved for another blog. As is the proposal 'cause it's a fun but not short story. For now, let's just start with a few facts about the wedding:

We're getting married on a Caribbean cruise in August of 2011. We think we're going to go with Princess Cruise lines, but they are taking FOREVER to put out their schedule for next summer and I'm getting super tired of waiting. They're killing me!!! We will then have a reception at our home in Seattle a few weeks after returning. However, because the cruise ship will basically plan everything for me and I love planning more than just about anything, I've decided to do as many things for myself as I can. First off, the US Department of Agriculture doesn't allow people to bring live flowers on cruise ships, so I'm going to MAKE flowers out of paper. Yes, my glue gun and I are becoming one as I will make every flower used in our wedding. I am also making (with the help of my dear friend, Molly) all of my own Save the Dates. Invitations will follow when the time comes. Let me simplify by phrasing it this way: Martha Stewart's Wedding website is now my homepage. :)

And now, I must call this a short entry. I received Martha Stewart Living's Summer 2010 Weddings magazine today and I have to go check it out!!!!!

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