Whoa Nellie!!!!! What is up with my arms?!?!?! All this time, I've been focused on making sure my abs have definition, keeping a dent in my thighs where my quads end and my hamstrings begin. What about my upper body? I have been totally letting my upper body slack!! Well, no more!! Today, at the suggestion of a blogger on www.weddingbee.com, I began the 100 push-up challenge.
I feel I should clarify, I don't think I have bad arms and I'm not fishing for compliments or anything like that. I would like everyone to keep in mind that I work for a ballet company. The arms I see the most are ballerina arms. I can't post any photos here because it's my job to keep things like that from happening, but just log on to www.pnb.org and see what I'm talking about. These are women with some ARMS! So, with them in mind, I have embarked on my newest challenge.
The challenge comes from www.hundredpushups.com. It's supposed to take you from doing no push-ups to 100 in six weeks. It works by having you do an initial test, doing push-ups until you just can't do anymore. Then you do 5 sets a day, 3 days a week on a regimented plan they lay out for you. For instance, during my initial test, I did 9 good push-ups. So for my Day 1, I did 6, then took a 60 second rest, then another 6 and another rest, then 4 and a rest, that again, then "max" which ended up being 7. I will now rest my poor arms until Wednesday, when I will follow a similar plan, but with higher numbers. And, in six weeks, I will do 100 push-ups! I am very excited for that day!
For now, however, my poor arms are shaky and just holding them out to type is difficult. I'd better go take a bath. :)
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